Knights of Columbus Immaculate Conception Council 4513

Charity Unity Fraternity Patriotism

The Knights of Columbus is a world wide, Catholic service organization established in 1882 and dedicated to the care of the faith community especially those most in need.   Through various fund raising activities and direct charity work, we come to their aid.  Additionally, through our insurance programs, we provide for the care of membership families after life changing events.  This is in keeping with the  philosophy of our founder, Father Michael J. McGivney.

Immaculate Conception Council 4513, established in 1957, serves the local communities around Garden City, MI.  It also supports the efforts of the MI state council and the International Supreme Council.  It is a parish based council affiliated with St. Thomas the Apostle parish.
Council 4513 meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 31530 Beechwood Ave., Garden City, MI in classroom 15 of the old St. Raphael School.

Brother Knights,

Welcome to our website!  We hope it serves us well in keeping open the lines of communication as we return to our service activities.  We ask again for your active participation at monthly business meetings and in the events that we will post on this website.  Please use this site to update your contact information if it has changed.  If you haven't provided an email address, please consider providing one.

Support in time of need.

Please include your council in your funeral service planning for yourself or family. Do notify the Grand Knight (734-748-3420) or Chancellor (734-751-4439) regarding arrangements and the support you would like to receive from your council. The Knights of Columbus is all about helping our members and their families in difficult times. We are here for you.

Likewise Brother Knights, if you hear of a council member or of someone in his family who has passed away, please pass this on to the Grand Knight or Chancellor.
About Us image

Officers 2024-2025

Grand Knight     John Galdes                              

Deputy Grand Knight   Larry Ostroski                                                1 yr. Trustee          Deacon Skip  

Chancellor                     Tony Schillaci                                                 2 yr. Trustee        PGK James Ray
Warden                          Bob Pawlowski                                              3 yr.  Trustee       Ron Berger
Advocate                                                                                               Inside Guard     Tom Lucykx

Financial Secretary       Brent Kilbury                                                 Outside Guard   Kent Palmer      

Treasurer                       Dave Nichols                                                  Lecturer      

Recorder                        PGK Jeff Gorman                                          Chaplain   Fr. Larry Zurawski  

Program Director         Tony Mlynarek                                               Community Director   

Family Director            John Galdes                                                  Membership Director   

Retention Director       Greg Cotton

Insurance Agent         T J McCully 734 717 1466

District Deputy            Joe Zeolla 



Columbian Year 2023-2024

 Meetings will on SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month

Note:  We will be meeting at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Garden City, MI  in St. Raphael School 

FEB 2025

MAR 2025

30 Corporate Communion/Rosary 9AM mass

APR 2025

5,6 Tootsie Roll Drive after all masses

9 6:30 PM Officers Meeting 7PM General Business Meeting

16 K of C Social Dinner Night

18, 19 Easter Food Distribution

20 Easter

MAY 2025

3,4 Donut Sunday

11 Mothers Day Pancake Breakfast

14 6:30 PM Officers Meeting 7PM General Business Meeting. Nomination of Officers

21 K of C Social Dinner Night

29 Ascension THU

JUN 2025

11 6:30 PM Officers Meeting 7PM General Business Meeting. Election of Officers

18 K of C Social Dinner Night

TBD  Parish Picnic

Volunteers Needed:

Long for the old days when you were an altar boy or harbor regret for never having been one? If so, your opportunity has arrived. Looking for adult altar servers at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish. Contact Brother Knight Ron Berger via Parish Office.

RECYCLE your old, read Columbian Magazines

What better way to recycle than to give them to potential new members?  Pass them on to men you know, bring them to our business meetings, or drop them off at our after mass donut functions or the parish office.

Food Pantry Donations

At all meetings and functions, please bring donations for the food pantry.  The following are suggested donations:

Peanut Butter, Jelly, Soups, Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Beans, Boxed Potatoes, Canned/Boxed Pasta, Cereal, Juice, Mustard, Ketchup, Toilet Paper, and Canned Tuna or Chicken.

14 JUN 2023

Meeting called to order at 7 PM by WGK

Opening prayer led by Deacon Skip

Meeting minutes read and approved.

Grand Knight's report-Memorial Day Celebration mass a success. Donut SUN & Monthly social dinner cancelled for JUL and AUG. PGK found new shirt source for those interested.

Treasurer Report-Account amounts given.  Tax Exempt status for council in the works.  Will involve an annual fee to $20 to state council.

$20 fee to State approved for payment.

Chancellors Report-Add Kent Palmer to list for upcoming surgery

New Business- Elections no new officers nominated except for PGK who agreed to serve as 3 year Trustee.  Motion made to accept slate of officers in position.  Seconded and voted upon.

Meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM after closing prayer led by Deacon Skip.

11OCT 2023

Meeting opened by WGK at 7:05 PM.

Opening prayer by Worthy Chancellor.

Last meeting minutes read by PGK.

Grand Knight Reports-Upcoming events Spaghetti Dinner 21 OCT.  Tootsie Roll Drive 21-22 OCT. 

Treasurer Report-Balances given.  Status of Non Profit Tax change given.  Council Audit completed.

Bills and Communications read.  Motion to pay Non Profit Tax Change Fees upon recommendation by consulting CPA.  Seconded and passed.

Trustees and acting trustees reviewed audit and fee material.

Old business-Spaghetti dinner be there at noon to setup while Polish club is using gym.  

New business-Veterans Day celebration after 11 AM mass on 12 NOV.  Pancake Breakfast 17 DEC.  Immaculate Conception feast day 6 DEC.  Participate at mass.

Closing prayer by WC.

Meeting adjourned at 8:03 by WGK.

15 NOV 2023

Meeting called to order at 6:50 PM by WGK to conduct a First Degree

First Degree awarded to Joseph Smith

Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes read and approved 

District Deputy announced drive to collect baby wipes and diapers for donation by 1 DEC.

Grand Knight Report-Veteran Day ceremony had good turnout.  Pancake Dinner will be on 10 DEC.  Scholarship check will be delivered at mass.  6 DEC Immaculate Conception Celebrations.

Treasurer reported balances.

Bills and Communication.  Bills-Supplies for FS.  Scholarship Check.  Check for no for profit establishment fee.  All voted upon and approved.

Closing Prayer.

Adjourned at 7:45 PM by WGK.

13 DEC 2023

Meeting opened at WGK at 7:09 PM

Opening prayer led by Deacon Skip.

Minutes read and approved as recorded.

Grand Knight's Report-Working on next year schedule.  Keep Christ in Christmas Poster contest complete.  Pancake dinner successful.

Treasurer report given.

Adjustments to prayer list suggested.

Deacon Skip led closing prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 7:26 PM

10 JAN 2024

Meeting opened at 7:08PM by WGK

Opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes read and approved

GK report-Diocesan meeting 16 JAN 6 PM at Sacred Heart, K of C seminarian funding.  Pancake breakfast 11 SEP.  Social Dinner 21 FEB

Treasurer report given

Closing Prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM

07 FEB 2024

Meeting opened at 7:03 PM by WGK.

Opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance

Past minutes read.

Grand Knights report-2023 Seminarian bill received $3/member.  2024 will be $6/member to reach $1 million fund threshold.  Pancake Breakfast 18 SEP with Setup 17 SEP at 4 PM.  Social Dinner 21 FEB 6PM at Angelo Brothers.

Treasurer Report given.

Bill for MI per capita and for Supreme Audit

Financial Secretary Report-Dues bills going out

Trustee report-Bills voted upon for payment.

New Insurance Agent, TJ McCully 734 717-1466

Closing Prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 7:36PM.

13 MAR 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM by WGK

Opening prayer by WChaplain

Chaplain Message-Fish fry going well.  Stations of the Cross too.  Beginning Holy Week Prep.  Easter Food sales forms are being turned in.

Minutes were read.

WGK report-Pancake Dinner Breakfast broke even.  St. Patrick Dinner cancelled.  Social Dinner at Angelo's on 20 MAR.

Treasurers report given with balances.

No bill and communications.

Financial Secretary handed out membership cards to those in attendance.

Chancellors Report-Ron Berger added to Prayer list for post surgery recovery

No Trustee Report

No old business

New business-Hockey Tournament.  BBQ in JUN.

District Deputy-Meeting to be held on zoom.  Get state raffle tickets in by 11 APR.  Do participate in Tootsie Roll Drive.

WChaplain led closing prayer.

Meeting adjourned by WGK at 7:34 PM.

10 APR 2024

WGK called meeting to order at 7:04 PM

Holy Cross Assembly FN presented list for Vietnam and Korean Service Medal recipients for recognition ceremony in DC at respective memorials in 2025.

Recording secretary minutes read.

GK report-38 participants in Easter food sale.  Still tallying results.

Treasurers Report-Balances Reported.  Due to clerical error, not for profit application was returned.

No bills or communications.

Chancellors Report-Memorial Day Mass 26 APR 11 AM

New Business-Mothers Day Pancake Breakfast 12 MAY, Vote to donate $100 to Autos for Autism, Vote to donate total of $400 including check from state to Penrickton Center.  GK has Blessed Michael J McGivney Prayer Cards.  GK can order K of C coffee cups with emblem and name for $10.  Social Dinner 17 APR at Al Malek, 28937 Warren Rd., GC.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

8 MAY 2024

Meeting called to order at 7 PM by WGK.

Opening Prayer by WChaplain

Chaplain Message-First Communion and Confirmations completed.

Previous minutes read and approved.

WGK report-Mothers Day Pancake Breakfast SUN, Setup SAT 4 pm., Tootsie Roll collected $456.00.  Autos for Autism on banner and in booklet.

Treasurer Report-Balances given

Bills and Communication-Penrickton open house on 17 MAY.  RSVP by 10 MAY.

WFS report-Dues collected

Chancellor Report-2 names added

Old Business-Social Dinner 15 APR 6 PM Mama Mia Livonia, Fathers Day BBQ 16 JUN after 11 mass, menu and liquor license issues to be resolved.

New Business-Nominations taken for election next month.

Fourth Degree Report-Still seeking names of vets to be included in APR 2025 DC ceremony.  Council will be officially affiliated with assembly 1622 but members are not obligated to change assemblies.

Closing prayer by WChaplin.

Meeting adjourned by WGK at 7:58 PM.

12 JUN 2024

Meeting called to order 7PM by WGK

Recording secretary reads minutes.  Approved.

WGK report-Pancake breakfast successful, Still finalizing Easter sales, taxes required attention, liquor license for barbecue needs adjustment.

Treasurers Report given

No Bills or communications

Chancellor-Add Tom Luyckx to prayer list for upcoming surgery

Elections conducted.  All incumbents remain in office.

Picnic details worked out.  Setup day/time TBD.

Audit is complete, awaiting signatures.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07 PM.

11 SEP 2024

Meeting called to order by WGK at 7:05 PM

WGK report- Only1 applicant for scholarship.  Group Corporate Communion with Notre Dame council on 29 SEP.  

Chancellor-Added some.  Removed others.

Bills for Supreme, State per capita and MI licensing fee.  Reviewed by trustees.  Voted to pay by membership.

Treasurer Report given

Unfinished/Old Business-Made $100 on Fathers Day cookout.  Maybe sponsor parish summer picnic.  Looking for new fundraising ideas.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM.

9 OCT 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by WGK

Opening Prayer by Worthy Chaplain

Pledge of Allegiance

Worthy Chaplain Message-Garage Sale made $6500

Grand Knights Report-Donut Sundays for recruitment are returning.  Can donate goods for hurricane relief to Garden City Cafe or American Legion.

Bills-$500 to American Legion for Hurricane Relief, $402 to state for seminarians

Chancellor-Some names removed.  Some added to prayer list.

Old/New business- work on golf outing.  Summer church picnic.  9 NOV spaghetti dinner. 8 DEC Immaculate Conception after 9 AM mass.  10 DEC Veterans Day clebration. 15 DEC Pancake/Christmas breakfast. 29 DEC (5th Sun) rosary after 9 AM mass.

Closing Prayer by Worthy Chaplain.

Meeting adjourned at 8 PM.

08 JAN 2025

Meeting called to order at 7:05PM by WGK.

Opening prayer by WChancellor

Pledge of Allegiance

Previous Meeting Minutes read

WGK reoprt-Updated schedule provided.  Donut SUN and Social Night out postponed until FEB

Mackinac conference, if interested contact WGK.

Treasurer Report Balances given

Financial Secretary-Billing goes out this month

Chancellor-Names added to pray list.  Advise if names can be removed.

Bills-Per capita came in.  Voted to pay

Old business-Tax Exemption approved.

New Business-Golf outing in process,

Deputy District report-27 JAN 6 PM at Monaghen.  All welcome.  Please pray for wife of state officer.

Closing Prayer

Adjourned at 7:39PM

19 FEB 2025

Meeting called to order 7:12 PM.

Opening prayer by WC.

Minutes read and approved.

WGK report-Weather postponed pancake breakfast to 22 FEB.  Setup after 4 PM mass on 21 FEB.

Treasurers report given.

State per capita bill received.  Voted upon and payment approved.

Financial Secretary- Card stock damaged and had to be reordered.

Chancellor Report-No updates.

Unfinished/old business-Still waiting on golf outing information.

New business-Request to aid parish buy a new ice maker.  Tootsie roll check came in.  Proposed and approved by vote to up total to $300 for Penrickton donation.  Sodality sponsoring a Fire Keepers casion bus trip on 27 FEB.  Looking for Tootsie Roll drive tootsie rolls.  Local source no longer available.  Will contact WDD.

Closing prayer by WC.

Meeting adjourned at 7:46 PM.

12 MAR 2025

Meeting called to order by WGK at 7:05PM

Opening prayer by WC

Previous meeting minutes read and approved

Grand Knight report-Ice maker check for $500 will be delivered to appropriate party.  Awaiting all easter food drive prices to come in  to put out bulletin notice ASAP.

Treasurer report-Balances given for all accounts after transactions.

Unfinished Business-Still working on golf outing.  Tentative Parish picnic 8 JUN

District Deputy Report-Greetings.  MI State raffle tickets, get them in, drawing is 10 APR.  Right to life Banquet 2 APR.  Men's Conference 22 MAR.

Closing Prayers by WC.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM.

Prayer List 

Prayer List

MAY 2024

For the good of the order

John Lynch                                       Cary Brooks                                       

 Jerry Lobb                                        Patty Young                                     

Elaine Russell                                   Kathy Overstreet                              

Carl Ray                                           Joe Weglarz                                     

Tim Brown                                        Chris Major                                       

Donald Kaetz                                  PGK Jim Ray                                             

 Mike Kernan                                   Kathy Mertins                              

Janet Fleeman                              Pamela Milz                                      

Diana Koger                                   Staria Major                                      

Aubrey Nacole Cooper                    Janna Turk                                         

Dennis Pietraz                                   Lauren Organ                                   

Scott Cowles                                     Thomas Piotrowski                          

Richard Luch                                    Jim Rhoades                              

Joseph Smith                                    Sharon Parker                                  

 Archie Flor                                       Pope Francis                      

 Paul Shafer                                       Michael Boss                                   

 Art Huetteman                                 Cindy Cargill Smith                

Tom Luyckx                                       Susan Stewart Johnson                    

Ron Berger                                       Mehboob and Kanize Fatima Hasham 

Cole Schneider                                 Chuck Fodan

Debbie Stewart                                Sam Inzano

George Davis                                   Johnathan Powell

Paula Gnacke                                  Sikina Gorman

Maria Janda                                   Donna Gorman

George Davis                                Jerri Lobb

Debbie Stewart                              Sam Inzano

Maria Janda                                   Chuck Fonda

Joe Campanella                              Leo and Bonnie Rodgers

Curt Kropp                                      Robb Horner

Pam Chichila


If there is anyone who needs to be put on this list call me

(Tony Schillaci) At: 734 752 4439 (text, cell phone and/or voice mail)

  • 31530 Beechwood Avenue, Garden City, MI, USA

Immaculate Conception Council 4513 Catholic High School Scholarship Program

Knights of Columbus Council 4513 has established a scholarship fund for those St. Thomas the Apostle parish members enrolled in a Catholic high school.  Following the selection process, a check for $500 will be sent to their school account.

The selection process will consist of three parts.  The first will be completing the application below. The second part will consist of composing a 250 to 500 word essay  explaining why a Catholic High School education is important to a person of faith in the world today. It can either be handwritten or done with a typewriter or computer but must be legible. The final part will be an interview with standardized questions in AUG 2022.

2022 program  application and essays  must be submitted to K of C at address below or via the parish office by 21 AUG 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact the Grand Knight. To have a Word Doc file emailed to you, send a request to

Knights of Columbus Catholic Secondary Education Scholarship Application

Full Legal Name________________________________________________________________



Phone number______________________________________________________________

Date of Birth____________/_______/_________________________________

Parents Names_________________________________________________________________


Parish Church__________________________________________________________________

Catholic High School Attending or Enrolled to Attend (Please attach proof)_________________


Previous Education History: Primary School___________________________________________

Middle School___________________________________________

Extracurricular Activities:



Clubs or Associations_____________________________________________________________





Knights of Columbus Scholarship Essay

In 250 to 500 words explain why a Catholic High School education is important to a person of faith in the world today.
It can either be handwritten or done with a typewriter or computer but must be legible.

Address: 31530 Beechwood Ave., Garden City, MI  48135